„In the spring of 2018, joyful collagues looked through the door of the old restaurant and it was a collective lightbulb moment: this looks like a station!”
And now our journey through the transformation has reached its destination and we have arrived at The Station gastro station. Here every encounter is joyful, every bite a sumptuous adventure and every drink a voyage of discovery!
Contemporary, urban design, cosmopolitan atmosphere, exciting ”Street in” style this is The Station. We call our gastronomic philosophy ”the three pillars”. This means the harmonious coexistence of Bistro, Health-conscious and Modern Hungarian dishes. Our goal is to give our guests a complex restaurant experience, because they are important to us, we work for them.

Viktor Hajas
F&B Manager

Dániel Szathmáry
Executive Chef

Gergely Asztalos
A’la carte Manager

Tamás Aradi
A’la carte Chef
Prices include VAT and 15% service charge.
Ask our collagues about food allergies.
Responsible approach to food is an importantelement of our culinary practice.
We battle the issueof excessive food waste with great diligence. Our system of monitoring orders and deliveries allows us to effectively use all our products.
We are also proponentsof sustainable fishing. We do not offer dishes prepared from endangered fish species